
Check In
July 2nd, 2023


Time: 10:00 Hrs – 13:00 hrs

Trinity Training Complex
484 Sharrotts Rd. Staten Island, NY 10309


  The “Check In” is for active/retired Law Enforcement and Military. Come down to meet like-minded individuals and enjoy a warriors breakfast. It is free of charge. We want to all of you warriors to know that there are many like you out there and here for each of you. Bring cigars to have after breakfast. This will be a monthly meet up on the first Sunday of each month (It will be posted on the calendar). Spread the word to everyone you know who is a warrior.

                                                                 In Honor of:
SSG Maiquel Bryan Carrasco Jr                                      PO Michael Caddy
LCpl Jean Paul Limage                                                  PO Erica Reyes
PO Colin Rossiter                                                     PO Daniel Sheriffs


Bring Active/Retired LE/MIL Identification


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